Source code for model_word_ada.basic

.. module:: basic
    :synopsis: basic rnn
.. moduleauthor:: Liyuan Liu
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import model_word_ada.utils as utils

[docs]class BasicUnit(nn.Module): """ The basic recurrent unit for the vanilla stacked RNNs. Parameters ---------- unit : ``str``, required. The type of rnn unit. input_dim : ``int``, required. The input dimension fo the unit. hid_dim : ``int``, required. The hidden dimension fo the unit. droprate : ``float``, required. The dropout ratrio. """ def __init__(self, unit, input_dim, hid_dim, droprate): super(BasicUnit, self).__init__() self.unit_type = unit rnnunit_map = {'rnn': nn.RNN, 'lstm': nn.LSTM, 'gru': nn.GRU} self.batch_norm = (unit == 'bnlstm') self.layer = rnnunit_map[unit](input_dim, hid_dim, 1) self.droprate = droprate self.output_dim = hid_dim self.init_hidden()
[docs] def init_hidden(self): """ Initialize hidden states. """ self.hidden_state = None
[docs] def rand_ini(self): """ Random Initialization. """ if not self.batch_norm: utils.init_lstm(self.layer)
[docs] def forward(self, x): """ Calculate the output. Parameters ---------- x : ``torch.LongTensor``, required. the input tensor, of shape (seq_len, batch_size, input_dim). Returns ---------- output: ``torch.FloatTensor``. The output of RNNs. """ out, new_hidden = self.layer(x, self.hidden_state) self.hidden_state = utils.repackage_hidden(new_hidden) if self.droprate > 0: out = F.dropout(out, p=self.droprate, return out
[docs]class BasicRNN(nn.Module): """ The multi-layer recurrent networks for the vanilla stacked RNNs. Parameters ---------- layer_num: ``int``, required. The number of layers. unit : ``torch.nn.Module``, required. The type of rnn unit. input_dim : ``int``, required. The input dimension fo the unit. hid_dim : ``int``, required. The hidden dimension fo the unit. droprate : ``float``, required. The dropout ratrio. """ def __init__(self, layer_num, unit, emb_dim, hid_dim, droprate): super(BasicRNN, self).__init__() layer_list = [BasicUnit(unit, emb_dim, hid_dim, droprate)] + [BasicUnit(unit, hid_dim, hid_dim, droprate) for i in range(layer_num - 1)] self.layer = nn.Sequential(*layer_list) self.output_dim = layer_list[-1].output_dim self.unit_type = unit self.init_hidden()
[docs] def to_params(self): """ To parameters. """ return { "rnn_type": "Basic", "unit_type": self.layer[0].unit_type, "layer_num": len(self.layer), "emb_dim": self.layer[0].layer.input_size, "hid_dim": self.layer[0].layer.hidden_size, "droprate": self.layer[0].droprate }
[docs] def init_hidden(self): """ Initialize hidden states. """ for tup in self.layer.children(): tup.init_hidden()
[docs] def rand_ini(self): """ Random Initialization. """ for tup in self.layer.children(): tup.rand_ini()
[docs] def forward(self, x): """ Calculate the output. Parameters ---------- x : ``torch.LongTensor``, required. the input tensor, of shape (seq_len, batch_size, input_dim). Returns ---------- output: ``torch.FloatTensor``. The output of RNNs. """ return self.layer(x)